4 Key Points to Consider to Find the Best
The Overwhelming majority of Forex robots simply don't work and if you want to find one that does, looking at the 4 key points enclosed will help you find the best...
In recent years there has been a huge rise in the number of robots claiming they will help you enjoy financial freedom with no effort and most fail miserably to live up to the hype. Let's get rid of the bulk of them first.
1. Does the Track Record look to Good to be True?
You see them all the time, pay a couple of hundred of dollars and get a track record that is better than the worlds top fund managers. If you see ones with these statements then be very wary of them.
- Double your Profits every month
- Trade with 90% accuracy or more
- Draw downs of less than 1%
- Losing periods of under a week
This is not the reality of Forex trading!
Normally these systems produce back tests and simulations, knowing the closing prices, or present testimonials and trading results that are not independently verified.
The top fund managers wouldn't be earning millions of dollars in annual salaries if the Robots worked, they would be out of there jobs and join the world enjoying financial freedom, trading Forex robots for the price of a night out.
Now you can win but look for some evidence of real gains, independently monitored and look for a track record of a few years in length
2. What to Look for in a Real Track Record
So what gains can you expect to see?
The best will do compound growth of around 30 - 100% per annum and the higher the gain, the bigger the draw down. You can normally expect a peak to valley drawdown of 20 - 50%, depending on the risk profile of the system. A typical drawdown will be a few weeks to a few months.
The gains are excellent - but you have to ride out short term losses, all the best traders do and you will as well.
3. Know the Logic
Never buy a black box system where the logic is not revealed. You need to know the logic to have confidence, to follow the system with discipline.
4. Support and Ease of Use
Look for good, prompt support from the vendor. Dry run the system to make sure everything is in place before you trade real money, don't just jump in, make sure you are prepared and are confident in operating the system.
Long Term Profits in 30 Minutes a day or less
The best robots will give you great long term profits but you have to have the confidence to apply them with discipline, as you need to take short term losses to make long term gains.
If you do the above, you could soon be making great long term gains with an automated Forex robot and enjoying currency trading success.
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