Showing posts with label Partnership With ForexGen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Partnership With ForexGen. Show all posts

Monday, 12 January 2009

Automated Forex Robots

4 Key Points to Consider to Find the Best

The Overwhelming majority of Forex robots simply don't work and if you want to find one that does, looking at the 4 key points enclosed will help you find the best...
In recent years there has been a huge rise in the number of robots claiming they will help you enjoy financial freedom with no effort and most fail miserably to live up to the hype. Let's get rid of the bulk of them first.

1. Does the Track Record look to Good to be True?
You see them all the time, pay a couple of hundred of dollars and get a track record that is better than the worlds top fund managers. If you see ones with these statements then be very wary of them.

- Double your Profits every month

- Trade with 90% accuracy or more

- Draw downs of less than 1%

- Losing periods of under a week

This is not the reality of Forex trading!
Normally these systems produce back tests and simulations, knowing the closing prices, or present testimonials and trading results that are not independently verified.

The top fund managers wouldn't be earning millions of dollars in annual salaries if the Robots worked, they would be out of there jobs and join the world enjoying financial freedom, trading Forex robots for the price of a night out.

Now you can win but look for some evidence of real gains, independently monitored and look for a track record of a few years in length

2. What to Look for in a Real Track Record
So what gains can you expect to see?
The best will do compound growth of around 30 - 100% per annum and the higher the gain, the bigger the draw down. You can normally expect a peak to valley drawdown of 20 - 50%, depending on the risk profile of the system. A typical drawdown will be a few weeks to a few months.
The gains are excellent - but you have to ride out short term losses, all the best traders do and you will as well.

3. Know the Logic
Never buy a black box system where the logic is not revealed. You need to know the logic to have confidence, to follow the system with discipline.

4. Support and Ease of Use
Look for good, prompt support from the vendor. Dry run the system to make sure everything is in place before you trade real money, don't just jump in, make sure you are prepared and are confident in operating the system.

Long Term Profits in 30 Minutes a day or less
The best robots will give you great long term profits but you have to have the confidence to apply them with discipline, as you need to take short term losses to make long term gains.
If you do the above, you could soon be making great long term gains with an automated Forex robot and enjoying currency trading success.

ForexGen offers three types of business partnerships:

*Introducing Broker
*White label
*Money Manager

ForexGen Introducing Brokers, White Label and Money Manager holders are recognized as a strategic business partners. The main focus of our service is to satisfy our partner's needs in order to deal with a qualified service and gain a huge income sharing plan.

[ForexGen] provide appropriate services satisfying the needs of all business partner's specified situation and requirements.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Forex Trading System - Best Mathematical Algorithms For Profit

The trend in Forex trading systems is towards using complex mathematical algorithms to predict Price turns in the market but which are the best? Lets take a look...

Lets first of all define what a mathematical theory is - it's a theory that works all the time. Now as yet, there is no algorithm that works all the time and the reason is quite simple - the markets don't move to certainties just probabilities but are any of these complex theories able to make a profit?
Most Forex trading systems that make money are simple not complex!

The more complex you make the rules the more likely it is to fail as there are too many elements to break.

You see a lot of vendors selling systems online which are supposed to beat the markets but they don't. These vendors simply do a back test on data knowing the closing prices and bend the system to fit the data. Going forward of course you can't do this and the system collapses and loses.

We see technology enrich our lives in many areas but in the Forex market technology and complicated theories don't and the reverse is true they help you lose. If you want an example of how technology doesn't help you then consider this:

30 years ago 95% of traders lost and the ratio remains the same today, despite the amount of technology traders throw at the market.

If you want to enjoy trading success, forget about technology and complication and keep it simple and robust; you then need what I will refer to as the missing link and that's the correct mindset.

Trading is not about just a method, it's about having the discipline to apply it.

If you don't have the discipline to execute your trading signals, you have no system.

You have to trade with discipline through periods of losses until you hit a home run and this is something most traders simply cannot do. They either think they won't face these periods or lack the confidence to have the discipline required.

The Good News

Is anyone can learn to trade, as trading is essentially simple and anyone can adopt the right mindset if, they have confidence in what there doing and they have the right Forex education.

If you want to win at Forex, forget mathematics and complex theories, use a simple one instead, apply it with discipline and you will be well rewarded for your efforts.

ForexGen offers three types of business partnerships:

*Introducing Broker
*White label
*Money Manager

ForexGen Introducing Brokers, White Label and Money Manager holders are recognized as a strategic business partners. The main focus of our service is to satisfy our partner's needs in order to deal with a qualified service and gain a huge income sharing plan.

[ForexGen] provide appropriate services satisfying the needs of all business partner's specified situation and requirements.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Is Forex Trading Right For You

FOREX is the abbreviated termed used to describe the world's largest foreign currency exchange market where of 1.5 Trillion dollars is traded on a daily basis. This more than 100 times the trading volume that occurs on the NYSE, and is fast becoming the hot spot for individual investors. A market that was once only accessible to large corporations and government entities is now available to individual investors with online trading accounts. Despite the hype and excitement around this market, is it right for you?

ACCESSIBILITY. Unlike most investment markets that open and close with the ring of a bell, the FOREX market is open 24 hours a day, six days a week. Trades can be made anytime the market is open from your home computer through the major trading centers located Sydney, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt and New York. Because of this you can act instantly upon news that may affect the market.

LIQUIDITY. Because of the high volumes that are being traded in this worldwide marketplace, there will always be a buyer or seller available for your trade. The trades occur in the "spot" market so your position closes immediately, avoiding the risks sudden market swings. The liquidity also helps insure price stability and lower spreads.
VOLATILITY. The FOREX market is always moving. Because of the liquidity of the market, you can make money when the market is moving up, down or even sideways. Volatility in other markets is oftentimes equated to risk or loss, but in the FOREX market volatility equates to profit potential.

ForexGen offers three types of business partnerships:

*Introducing Broker
*White label
*Money Manager

ForexGen Introducing Brokers, White Label and Money Manager holders are recognized as a strategic business partners. The main focus of our service is to satisfy our partner's needs in order to deal with a qualified service and gain a huge income sharing plan.

[ForexGen] provide appropriate services satisfying the needs of all business partner's specified situation and requirements.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Forex Scalping Success - Key Facts you Need to Know

Forex scalping and day trading is more popular than ever and is the choice of most new forex traders but is it the right one and how do you enjoy forex scalping success – let's find out.

1. Short Term Volatility is Random

Millions of forex traders trade trillions of dollars in currency each day and to say that you can measure what this diverse number of traders will do in a few hours, or a day is laughable you can't.

2. Support and Resistance Levels are Meaningless

To trade any market you need to have valid levels of support or resistance to key off however with all volatility being random in short term trading, prices can and do go anywhere and support and resistance cannot be used - as the data simply isn't valid.

3. No Trading system Will Work

It doesn't matter how good or well thought out the trading system is - if volatility is random and support and resistance not valid it wont work!

In any financial market to win you need to trade the odds and if you cant, you are going to lose longer term. It's a bit like being in a casino - if you can count the cards in a game such as blackjack you win but in a game of pure chance like roulette, play long enough with the odds against you and your going to lose and it's the same in forex scalping.

You cant get the odds on your side and you cant win - PERIOD

4. Forex Scalping Systems Don't have Track Records

Yes they do many traders will say - I have seen them. Sure they have and written all over the track record will be "hypothetical" or "simulated" This means it wasn't traded in the market but done on paper knowing the closing prices!

ForexGen offers three types of business partnerships:

*Introducing Broker
*White label
*Money Manager

ForexGen Introducing Brokers, White Label and Money Manager holders are recognized as a strategic business partners. The main focus of our service is to satisfy our partner's needs in order to deal with a qualified service and gain a huge income sharing plan.

[ForexGen] provide appropriate services satisfying the needs of all business partner's specified situation and requirements.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Forex Trading Tips

This two-part report clearly and simply details essential tips on how to avoid typical pitfalls and start making more money in your forex trading.
1. Trade pairs, not currencies - Like any relationship, you have to know both sides. Success or failure in forex trading depends upon being right about both currencies and how they impact one another, not just one.

2. Knowledge is Power - When starting out trading forex online, it is essential that you understand the basics of this market if you want to make the most of your investments.
The main forex influencer is global news and events. For example, say an ECB statement is released on European interest rates which typically will cause a flurry of activity. Most newcomers react violently to news like this and close their positions and subsequently miss out on some of the best trading opportunities by waiting until the market calms down. The potential in the forex market is in the volatility, not in its tranquility.

3. Unambitious trading - Many new traders will place very tight orders in order to take very small profits. This is not a sustainable approach because although you may be profitable in the short run (if you are lucky), you risk losing in the longer term as you have to recover the difference between the bid and the ask price before you can make any profit and this is much more difficult when you make small trades than when you make larger ones.

4. Over-cautious trading - Like the trader who tries to take small incremental profits all the time, the trader who places tight stop losses with a retail forex broker is doomed. As we stated above, you have to give your position a fair chance to demonstrate its ability to produce. If you don't place reasonable stop losses that allow your trade to do so, you will always end up undercutting yourself and losing a small piece of your deposit with every trade.

5. Independence - If you are new to forex, you will either decide to trade your own money or to have a broker trade it for you. So far, so good. But your risk of losing increases exponentially if you either of these two things:
Interfere with what your broker is doing on your behalf (as his strategy might require a long gestation period);
Seek advice from too many sources - multiple input will only result in multiple losses. Take a position, ride with it and then analyse the outcome - by yourself, for yourself.

6. Tiny margins - Margin trading is one of the biggest advantages in trading forex as it allows you to trade amounts far larger than the total of your deposits. However, it can also be dangerous to novice traders as it can appeal to the greed factor that destroys many forex traders. The best guideline is to increase your leverage in line with your experience and success.

7. No strategy - The aim of making money is not a trading strategy. A strategy is your map for how you plan to make money. Your strategy details the approach you are going to take, which currencies you are going to trade and how you will manage your risk. Without a strategy, you may become one of the 90% of new traders that lose their money.

8. Trading Off-Peak Hours - Professional FX traders, option traders, and hedge funds posses a huge advantage over small retail traders during off-peak hours (between 2200 CET and 1000 CET) as they can hedge their positions and move them around when there is far small trade volume is going through (meaning their risk is smaller). The best advice for trading during off peak hours is simple - don't.

9. The only way is up/down - When the market is on its way up, the market is on its way up. When the market is going down, the market is going down. That's it. There are many systems which analyse past trends, but none that can accurately predict the future. But if you acknowledge to yourself that all that is happening at any time is that the market is simply moving, you'll be amazed at how hard it is to blame anyone else.

10. Trade on the news - Most of the really big market moves occur around news time. Trading volume is high and the moves are significant; this means there is no better time to trade than when news is released. This is when the big players adjust their positions and prices change resulting in a serious currency flow.

ForexGen offers three types of business partnerships:

*Introducing Broker
*White label
*Money Manager

ForexGen Introducing Brokers, White Label and Money Manager holders are recognized as a strategic business partners. The main focus of our service is to satisfy our partner's needs in order to deal with a qualified service and gain a huge income sharing plan.

[ForexGen] provide appropriate services satisfying the needs of all business partner's specified situation and requirements.


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